Are High End Audio Products Unreliable?

I don't know if it's just my bad luck but since I've gotten back into high end audio in the past year I have purchased several components that have developed problems that I have never experienced while owning mass produced Japanese components of the 70's and 80's.
First was my Well Tempered turntable. Granted , it was old, but the design is so simple that it should be pretty bomb proof. That one got a lot better once I got everything dialed in, but what a pain in the butt just to get it there.
Second was my Lehmann Black Cube phono preamp, which developed a bad channel. Then it was the Parasound JC-3 phono preamp that was bad out of the box, but was replaced with a new one (no issues since). Next, my Cambridge Azur 840C CD player developed issues loading CDs (no other issues but this is annoying). Then I bought a Furutech GT-40 DAC that had noise when playing computer files through the USB (replaced with a new unit which works great). Next, I bought a CARY SLI-80 amp that was physically damaged out of the box but worked fine at first, but after a couple of weeks developed an issue with the remote relay and required me to send it back for repair. I got a new unit from Upscale that is working great.
I'm not a total hamfist who is hard on equipment, I swear. I'm super careful with my stuff, I run everything through power conditioners, and know how to set up equipment. I must be unlucky. Or have others had similar experiences as mine?

Showing 1 response by sabai

I agree. Expectations should be high for high-priced components. I had a high-end component go DOA out after a year. I was not a happy camper. It was no longer under warranty. In fact, shortly after they brought it to market a "defect" was noted. Being clever marketers, they discovered a way to profit from their mistake. They declared an "upgrade" -- at a cost of $$$$ to the customer. Nice.

I had my unit repaired -- and upgraded -- and then sold it off. It cost me a bundle. I would never buy a product from this company again despite the fact they are one of the most well-known companies in the industry and many people rave about them. I suspect there is a lot being swept under the audio carpet here.

After I sold it off I was able to find photos of the inside of my unit on Internet. Photos were conspicuously missing from their site. It was then that I knew I made the right decision. It was clear they had used the cheapest resistors and capacitors to produce these world-class units. They had found one more way to improve their bottom line at the expense of the customer.