Are Horn Speakers good or bad or simply a complete joke?

What are your impressions on these "acient outdated monster horn speakers" from the past? Are they any good, really bad or simply a joke? Have anybody have the chance to listen to some very well set-up horn speakers system power by single ended triode amps? Please share your experiences.
As the Brits say, different horses for different courses. Based on my experience, a good horn speaker gets me closer to the experience of a live music event than other type of speaker. Given that speakers are typically the largest source of distortion, compression drivers and horn loading are an elegant solution because they have less mechanical movement compared to direct radiators. Planer speakers share this advantage, but aren't capable of displacing enough air to capture dynamics. As with most things, the key is in the implementation and execution.

But there are a lot of drawbacks, namely size, weight, number of drivers (at least 4 for true full-range reproduction). It would be very difficult to live with horns in a small room. I think this is the main reason for horns' lack of commercial success.

My Edgarhorns are superb all around. All speakers are compromised in some manner, but horns, if properly executed, are simply more true to live music.

Coouugar, are you speaking of the LaCampanellas? If so, can you tell me more? Directly if you wish.

Darkmoebius and Skushino, I certainly agree about the benefits of horns, but I have yet to hear Edgarhorns that I would buy. I find them not true to live music, but then again perhaps listening to them at shows is not the best enviornment.

Convention hall or jam packed hotel floors/rooms have to be the antithesis of proper listening conditions. The rooms are horrendous, sonically. AC Power is probably sludge. Ambient noise levels have got to be sky-high compared to home or actual audio shops. Structural/floor vibration levels have also got to be phenominal. Not many components are designed to perform well under those conditions.

Let alone the scarce amount of time exhibitors have to set up. Most truly great sounding home or shop audition rooms take months to fine tune into their best performance. Exhibitors have 2 days or les with all the other handicaps listed above and more.

I'm not saying that Edgarhorns are the best transducers on Earth, just that a properly setup system is truly impressive and unique in it's presentation.

As I mentioned, I use Dr E's system (and Eso's) as my own personal reference standard for sheer dynamics, ease of presentation, and the recreation of brass/horns. Nothing does horns like horns.

But, for tonality, coherence, and rich texture(along with size), I prefer well-done single-drivers right now. Something about it just seems "right" for me, personally.

Although, check with me in a year and I could have a whole different story/system.(finances permitting)
Sean, you seem to have a lot of knowledge about speakers but when I e-mail you with links to a bunch of different drivers you never respond. What gives?