Tooter, first of all gears got great reviews do not necessary mean their spec. are perfect. I understand EE MM also got many great reviews too. Motor boating is some low frequency oscillation and that you saw the woofer was pushed in and out. If the oscillation is "faster" and "louder" in your case, you would hear it like the sound of an old motor boat and that's how it came the term. A few things can cause such oscillation, incorrect amount of nfb, decoupling caps do not have enough value, bad design of the PS...I am not a real expert, but have diyed quite many amps. Audio gears are very different from other electric appliances, spec. is one thing, but sound performance is the most concerned. There many many many audio gears in the market. Every engineer does them in a different way. You cannot expect when EE made his gears and when Belle made his gears to be able to match the rest of the world. If you search around, there are many many many sayings such and such pres don't work with such and such amps etc. But when you check them, they are all fine. As soon as you connect them together, they are "loaded" and affected by each other, say DC leakage, impedance...etc. So at the end of the day, your sepckers, Belles and EE MM are all well checked okay. That's all the fun of playing with audio I look at it.