Are Nordost really the Rolls Royce of cables?

Ive never heard them. Thanks.
Tekunda- Excellent post! couldn't have said it better myself, nice job.

Your recent post was most insightful. You so succintly stated what these cables do and not that I could almost imagine the effect they would have in my system. Very well stated.

Sean - Here are some exerpts from the Stereophile Nov 2001 review:

"It was immediately apparent that the Valhalla (IC's)had a slight but distinct tonal signature." and "the slight lack of warmth and weight, combined with the air and treble extension, did give the Valhallas a distinct character".

They were short of calling them the very best, instead calling them "some of the very best". They did call them sensational.
Since when did anything in Stereopile, bought and paid for reviews have any relevence.