Are Pass Labs XA60.8 mono amps enough?

Hello everyone,

I plan to buy a class A Pass Labs monoblocks pair for a Focal Scalla Utopia system. These speakers are very easy to drive (92.5 db sensitivity)

I'm interested in the XA60.8 model. I wonder if it is worth waiting to have the budget for the XA100.8. If so, why?

I'm 25% home theater / 75% music. My room is rather small: around 230 sq. ft. I don't crank up the volume very much

Thanks for your help


Showing 3 responses by swede58


I’m using X260.8 monos with Wilson Sabrina that are notoriously difficult to drive and I almost never see the bias meters move, which means I’m in the 35w Class A range. 

34 class A Watts  into 8 ohms and about half that into the 4 ohms Sabrinas. I asked Pass about this when I was interested in the 260.8 monos for my 4 ohms Maggie 3.7’s.

@audiophile1 No it’s half that (approx 17w) into 4 ohms. I’ve asked Pass and other manufacturers.

@audiophile1 I understand nada about this but here it is: The power output in class A: P=R*I^2=R*4*Iq^2