Are Pass Labs XA60.8 mono amps enough?

Hello everyone,

I plan to buy a class A Pass Labs monoblocks pair for a Focal Scalla Utopia system. These speakers are very easy to drive (92.5 db sensitivity)

I'm interested in the XA60.8 model. I wonder if it is worth waiting to have the budget for the XA100.8. If so, why?

I'm 25% home theater / 75% music. My room is rather small: around 230 sq. ft. I don't crank up the volume very much

Thanks for your help


It’s not the power that is not enough. It’s just your purchasing amplifiers that are way under the quality of your speakers.

Those Focal speakers deserve better!

Try AGD amps instead or a used Burmester 911 mk3 or DartZeal 


Agree with @pennfootball71 your speakers deserve better. Maybe a Soulution amp? Bricasti M28’s? Or Gryphon. So many choices. Yes Pass are good but....


I’m using X260.8 monos with Wilson Sabrina that are notoriously difficult to drive and I almost never see the bias meters move, which means I’m in the 35w Class A range. 

34 class A Watts  into 8 ohms and about half that into the 4 ohms Sabrinas. I asked Pass about this when I was interested in the 260.8 monos for my 4 ohms Maggie 3.7’s.

The references above to the X260's is somewhat misleading as the X amps are a Class AB design but biased into Class A at low powers, as opposed to the XA amps which are Class A designs. However, it is worth noting that the maximum power output of the XA 60.8s is well above their nominal rating. John Atkinson measured 150w into 8 ohms, 240w into 4 ohms and 380w into 2 ohms. From personal experience, they will not feel short of power in a small room.

Pass labs uses mid grade capacitors and decent parts but very old old old old circuit designs where they focus the most on the first watt. They won’t give you the dynamics of more sophisticated circuit designs.
They won’t have as much grip with lower depending factor than Burmester.
They won’t sound as musical as AGD and won’t have the air on top of soulution or DartZeal. The 50 watt class a Gryphon Essence would be perfect as well. It is class A and doesn’t run out of gas as the pass labs will. It also will sound more accurate with better tone, texture, dynamics and air with more microdynamics and less color of pass labs house sound.