It’s not the power that is not enough. It’s just your purchasing amplifiers that are way under the quality of your speakers.
Those Focal speakers deserve better!
Try AGD amps instead or a used Burmester 911 mk3 or DartZeal
Are Pass Labs XA60.8 mono amps enough?
Hello everyone,
I plan to buy a class A Pass Labs monoblocks pair for a Focal Scalla Utopia system. These speakers are very easy to drive (92.5 db sensitivity)
I'm interested in the XA60.8 model. I wonder if it is worth waiting to have the budget for the XA100.8. If so, why?
I'm 25% home theater / 75% music. My room is rather small: around 230 sq. ft. I don't crank up the volume very much
Thanks for your help