Are the folks at Vandersteen ok?

No updates in their website and facebook for a while.  Used to have frequent updates.  Hmm or maybe I have too little to do these days..
I can't tell you enough how supportive Richard is.   I moved my Vandersteen 5A's to Arizona from New Jersey where they was expertly set up, but there was no Vandersteen dealer here in Arizona I could call on for the new placement.  When Richard heard I was in need of help He called Me and helped me with my setup.  He gave me things to do/check, and when that was completed we went on to the next phonecall/task.  A couple of years later, I heard some noise in my left speaker...sent the midrange to Richard for repair.  It was checked to be in perfect shape - I sent the tweeter - that too was working well.  Richard called to see if he could help with the issue further...instructed me to send the crossover....I sent that with the amp and hi pass filters for battery replacement while it was there for the checkup.  Richard found something in the crossover - but when I got it back it hummed.  He again helped me with that issue.....the system is amazing again.  Richard, and John, from AudioConnection in New Jersey are the very best of the breed. 

Stereo 5 - Jovial???
RV is a savant at what he does.........I've owned various versions of 2s
and a pair of 5s for a time.....

My phone calls to him have always been the same: He's annoyed, short
and extremely curt.

It's a well known fact of audio lore, and nothing he did for you Stringreen will change the fact that the best thing RV could ever do is get someone else to talk to customers........

It didn't really move me away from the brand, but it certainly didn't help keep me either.....I now own Magnepans and they're pretty much just as bad if you ever do call......
I met RV about 5 years ago, at a local audio event demoing these huge 750w SimAudio amps on the Model 7's. He had flown himself into town for something else, so just happened to be able to be there. I was chatting with him after the demo, but I was also expecting a text message. The text came in, so I glanced down at my phone...Richard immediately walked away from me, practically mid sentence. ha! I learned my lesson! ;) No matter. I could tell he was/is a straight shooter. 

To the point-- I have run into more and more companies (not just in audio) that are doing well enough, with plenty of work, so they do not need to update their website, nor do they care about the constant social media updates people expect these days... Online presence does not always mirror a companies status. Especially smaller operations. 

Beyond OK
richard and I talk about every other week
does he have strong opinions - yes
is he direct but blunt - sure - think of it as verbal and emotional efficiency - he has dealers to apply sugar - not that his product needs it IMO
do we always agree - no
is he running a fantastic business with great products - yes
is he sourcing almost everything inside USA - yes
does he employ more than two handfuls of fellow Americans - yes
He is
working on cool new products

i love our 7 mk2
working up to his amps after I get the triplaner arm bolted down....

+1 stewart0722  RV has a singular vision of what he wants out of his creations and once he fixed upon his philosophy of speaker design it has and continues to be a quest to perfect that vision.  He is regularly updating his various speaker designs to get the highest level of performance that is possible at the time.  In fact, it is that quest that I believe drives him.  Is he a great phone call, No.  Do I care?  Not a whit!  His employees speak well on his behalf. Just let Richard be Richard.