Are these Duelund wires good for interconnects-

Hi- Just  saw these on Parts connexion- anyone using these instead of the std. single runs-
Dual DCA16GA 2x16 awg, Tin-plated, Stranded Copper, Oiled Cotton Speaker/Interconnect
@dbass - I have tried the VH Audio Silver wire only on the power cables for my streamer and the results were exceptional.

I would have to think it would compare favourably to the Mundorf wire in every respect.

The differences between the two are...
- the cotton sleeve has a Dielectric Constant (D.C.) of 1.3
- the AirLok insulation has a D.C. of just less than 1.45

However, there is a lot of air between the cotton sleeve and the silver wire with the Mundorf - which will lower the overall D.C of the mundorf cable further, so it might provide "a little" better clarity.

When it comes to silver wire, it is capable of delivering incredibly fine details. The higher the D.C. of the Insulation results in more distortions that can "smear" those details.

Now temper that with some reality -
- it’s not a "chalk" vs. "cheese" kind of difference
- it’s more an "Old Cheddar" vs. "Extra Old Cheddar"

When you get to this level of performance I would probably have to listen VERY intently to discern a difference between the two and any difference might only be noticeable on just a few tracks that have the details fine enough to be capable of highlighting any difference.

The benefit of the VH Audio wire is it does not require the cotton sleeve, so the build is a little easier.

Also, the bare Mundorf wire may tarnish inside the cotton sleeve and that incredibly fine layer of Silver Sulphide may have a very slight impact on skin effect perofrmance over time. But that’s conjecture, not experience.

The choice is yours - but you really cannot make a bad choice here, since I believe either wire will provide exceptional performance.

Regards - Steve
@williewonka With your Helix Interconnects have you tried the VH Audio OCC Silver with Airlock insulation?  I know you like the results of the Mundorf Silver/Gold wire and curious how they compare.

@mitch2 - here's another thread with comments from a couple members that have tried the Helix cables and really like them

Regards - Steve

Hey Steve, I agree with you that solid core wire can sound quite good for ICs and SCs. I didn't say I liked the Connex silver IC wire, but some here do. My experience with it was just so-so.

I use solid core wires in my system including ICs that I make from multiple, individually insulated, solid core, high purity, 28 awg copper wires, and Harmonic Technology SCs that use multiple, small'ish gauge, solid core OCC wires, individually insulated with foamed PE.

Your Helix Image cables look interesting and if I needed new cables and/or had the time, I would certainly look at trying some.  It is great that you have shared such detailed construction instructions and pictures of the Helix Image cables for DIY'ers.

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@mitch2 - I thought I would provide some context pertaining to
wire and cable geometry that can be found today.

The wire in your link is made using a "conventional" cable geometry - i.e. a twisted pair.

That geometry has many issues and more advanced cable companies are now discovering and building cables with more unusual geometries which combat the issues inherent in the more conventional geometries.

There are also issues related to the insulation used on many bulk cables, which effect clarity and imaging. For best performance the insulation should have a Dielectric Constant (D.C.) value lower than 1.5.

The method used in the Helix cable geometry uses a cotton sleeve for insulation on the signal wire, which has a D.C. of around 1.3, but since the insulation is not molded around the actual wire there is a significant air gap (i.e. compared to wires with a molded insulation), so the net value of D.C. is lower than 1.3.

Granted, the wire you have suggested will "do the job", but it will not perform the same level as a cable that uses a more advanced cable geometry.

Advanced geometries are more common in those very expensive cables from companies like Nordost and Inakustic.

Also, using a solid core wire offers superior performance than a stranded wire, provided that it has an insulation with a low D.C.

@dbass will be building cables using a more advanced Helix geometry and that level of commitment benefits greatly from using the very best wires and insulations with the lowest value for D.C.

Hope that offers some explanation as to the differences between some of the wire types, geometries and cable building approaches..

Regards - Steve
Maybe for hook up wire or speaker cables but for DIY ICs, IMO you would do much better with a premanufactured IC-specific cable from a company like Furutech or equivalent.  Some like this silver IC
@dbass - you are very welcome.

If you have any further questions - just ask

Regards - Steve
@williewonka  - Thanks.  I am going to build a set of Helix interconnects first and then I will decide what to do for the speaker cables.  I will probably do the VH Audio Copper wire as you recommend - but my room is smaller and I can get away with 5 ft speaker cables so maybe I try the silver - we'll see.

Thanks for sharing your design I appreciate it.
@dbass - I use the 1mm Mundorf (approx. 18 gauge I think)

I am not considering it for the speaker cables because it is just too expensive for my 9 ft speaker cables

Also, the 2 strands x 18 gauge Solid Copper with AirLok insulation from VH Audio works extremely well on my speaker cables. 

I think trying the solid silver would be in the realm of diminishing returns

But if you have the budget give the 2 strands x 18 guage solid silver wire a try.  :-)

Regards - Steve

@williewonka What size of Mundorf Silver/Gold wire do you use for your interconnects?  1.0mm or the 1.5mm?  And would you consider trying it for your speaker cables - and if so what size and how many runs of it?

To thin for that ebm

OP, I believe there is a member of this forum who sells interconnects under the name "Acoustic BBQ" using Duelund wire. Surprised he hasn't chimed in but you can search it if you wish. 

Those cables would do okay for interconnects but there are much better design options for interconnects at a lower cost. The conductors and dielectric used are meh, and I don't see an attempt to shield the cable in any kind of way. The jacket choice doesn't seem to protect the conductors from moisture either.

@jaytor if you're looking for a forward presentation with more sparkle on top, look for a solid core silver wire with Teflon dielectric. This will give you what you need.
Forgot to add - for my very best IC's I use a bare Mundorf Solid Silver + 1% Gold and add a cotton sleeve for the insulation.

I'm yet to find a wire that provides the same clarity, dynamics and details as this Mundorf wire. 

I get mine from HiFi Collective in the UK because they sell by the meter, so it works out to be cheaper, even with the postage

Whilst I have found that Duelund wire with cotton/oil insulation is very good for interconnects I now prefer to use Solid Copper with AirLok insulation from VH Audio for many of my DIY cables. It provides more details and better dynamic perofrmance

In some cases I use the Solid silver with AirLok insulation for more details.

Hope that helps
Parts Connexion sells a similar product that is designed specifically for interconnects.

I used this to create a pair of 16' balanced cables. For the money, they are pretty nice cables. They sound very smooth, but are a little warm sounding and laid back for my taste (and my system). I prefer a more forward presentation with a little more snap to the high frequencies (probably because my high frequency hearing isn't what it used to be). 

I've been listening to these for the past week. I've had them for a few months, but had switched back to my DH Labs Pro Studio cables until this past weekend. These connex cables are growing on me, but I still prefer the Pro Studios which are a little more forward, brighter sounding, and also deliver a bit more detail.