@drew_k ,
"When D/As became a $99-500 commodity, these design principles went out the window and the focus was on the chipset and general architecture (ladder, R2R, etc). The original designs put note emphasis on the “A” instead of the “D"
I concur and corroborate...
Anyway i own a low cost NOS dac Tda 1543 ....
There is no limitations on any count imposed by this vintage designed chip re-used in his own way by a french designer, no audible limitations in my audio system WHY?
Because the acoustic controls of the room is way more impactful than a dac, and optimize your audio system putting it on an another level completely, especially if you did not use the harsh analytical sigma dac on the market....
But like i already said:
Acoustic is the sleeping princess in Audio, but all people are looking for one of the working 7 dwarves....
The marketing schenanigans are more powerful than basic science....And the audio superstition around the listening of music from speakers .... We always listen music from the room....It is the last and more powerful piece of the chain....