Are you as OCD as this audiophile?

Check this guy out!

I find his videos hilarious as he is so passionate.  I'm interested and curious in all that he says, and his passion makes me respect him and laugh at times.  So great. 
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I thouroughly enjoy OCD’s passion. And it’s nice to see and hear someone talk about this stuff like he does. Also, he makes me laugh in the sense that I know I am nerding it up by getting excited to see him explain his dedicated wiring or DAC shootout. I learned a few things on the way too. 

I like how he gets pumped on the lead in to explore a subject. Ain’t that what this is about?

keep going Sir OCD!! 

I am loathe to throw stones as I certainly can obsess like any other audiophile.

That said, no I'm not OCD as that least not in the same direction.
And when I see the super tweaky lengths many audiophiles go to in their system I'm glad I'm not THAT obsessed with every aspect of my system.
It would drive me nuts.

But I have to be clear: that is not a judgement of other audiophiles that do go all out, like the guy in the video.  That is only an expression of my own personal values.  I just wouldn't like to be that tweaky. 

BUT...if someone else ENJOYS the time spent tweaking everything possible, then that's what matters to him, and good for him for having fun.  The guy in the video seems happy, so I would not judge his time mis-spent in that regard.