Are you as OCD as this audiophile?

Check this guy out!

I find his videos hilarious as he is so passionate.  I'm interested and curious in all that he says, and his passion makes me respect him and laugh at times.  So great. 
rbstehno11-03-2018 9:18am
I might be wrong here but this thread looks very suspicious ...
Agreed. And at least some of the time, he clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about. In this video of his, he confuses the neutral connection of an AC receptacle with the hot, and criticizes a Furutech plug because it doesn’t have the type of blade he thinks it should, without ever realizing he’s confusing a 15A plug with a 20A plug. So while I appreciate that the guy has passion, and I appreciate his enthusiasm for the Raspberry Pi that he discusses in another video, he’s simply not authoritative. That would be excusable but for the fact that he portrays himself as expert:
Ive looked at the way fresh blood comes into the hobby and they are met by tons of confusing rhetoric and unfriendly hubris ... trust me there are truths that I could share that would put me smack dab at the industries top level ... I’m not there to promote myself as much as I am to find truth in this ocean of BS ... I got sick of self proclaimed "reviewers" that have no rig nor any manufacturing nor industry experience at all ... I’ll have a direct sale e commerce site where I’ll sell things that are innovative ... I know the dirty laundry and Ive seen the inner hustles ...
And this guy who doesn't know the difference been a 15A connector and a 20A connector says he is building AC distribution boxes for his "clients."

Why don’t you try and post a video, pick a topic and let’s see how you fair 😜

You, dill and rbstehno clearly don’t know Mike. He’s an upstanding guy, very knowledgeable and been running a legitimate business for years now. 
He’s an upstanding guy, very knowledgeable and been running a legitimate business for years now.
He may be a great guy. He just doesn't know what he's talking about - that's already been established. Did you review his video that I referenced?

Yes, I did watched the video and yes he misspoke about the neutral connection of the receptacle as live (hot).  Are you a pessimist (I hope not)? 

I am sure you know what OCD stands for? When I watched that video, I walked way wondering why didn’t anyone else thought about building a AC plug with uneven blade size to coincide with uneven slots on the receptacle so we get a firm grip and a full contact?