Are you ever satisfied?

My 17 year old son was watching me work on my stereo the other day and asking me questions (much to my liking btw) about the turntable and some tweaks and stuff. After a while he asked "Do you think you'll ever be satisfied?" I did not have to think about my reply at all as I already knew the answer to that. I said "I AM already satisfied. I love the way my stereo sounds and if I could never do another thing to upgrade it I could listen happily the rest of my life. But I do enjoy tweaking it, working on it, and finding ways to improve the sound."

How about you?
I'm always satisfied...until I hear something better. So I plan on only listening to my system, and others that don't sound as nice.
Some call it hobby, I call it "Gardener's Syndrome" (gardener always has to find something to trim or re-pot).

Jax2 - I'm with you. Now, I have decent system (I think) and only something really great would make me spend money. I'm afraid to go to audio shows for that reason.

Unfortunately, room is the most expensive part and "taming" it is completely new (and expensive) game.
Depends on when the question is asked. I am inclined to be happy to listen until something goes wrong. After that, sometimes it takes quite a while to get the "magic" back.
If you actually enjoy tweaking it, why not do it?

Now, if listening to the equipment distracts from listening to the music, I would suggest a reconsideration.

Some months ago I thought I was going to be tweaking and manicuring a new system that I was putting together for a long time. But when the last piece went in place, it sounded so fantastic (and improvements, if they exist at all, are bound to be far too expensive) that I conciously decided against it. Now when the thought flashes past my mind, I shoot it down with a "just listen to the music dammit!". Now I'll just add to that the excellent advice by Abucktwoeighty.