Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?
An oponent of blatent consumerism and materialism, I occasionally find it hard to rationalize to myself my own spending for audio gear. Certainly from the lowly depths of middle class America, 50k - 100k systems seem as extravagent as using Springbank 25 to mix up scotch and Coke. Indeed there are probably more 'noble' appropriations for this kind of cash. Of course, I do not question the right of people to spend their money as they would, however I think I do have the right to question the judgement of all luxurious excess. Still, I'm not so full of myself that I think that I'm imune to these same lapses in judgement from time to time. One thought that all AG critiques of conspicuous consumption should keep in mind is that all of us have probably had to defend our spending on these things at one point another. Thus, I think it not improbable that in the face of constant criticism a certain amount of defensiveness may develop. I know I get a little irritated when people start hrmphing abou the cost oft my (in the context of this board) modest system. So perhaps a little more grace than normal is required in discussing this topic.
Hey, Axomoxa! Is that "Steal your face" or Steal your inter-face" ? Anyway, I'm GDTRFB!
Right on Ramstl! Just tryin' to spread the good hippie word :-) Think of all those concerts you could see for 100K! Not to mention it would buy a whole lotta microbusses to get your friends to the show. "We use to play for silver, now we play(ed) for live...!" Shit for 100K I could book the damm band to play in my living room! I bet if I called Phil Lesh and offered to donate 100K to the Unbroken Chain foundation, he would get his friends and come over and play at my house. Shoot.. for 100K I might even get Neil Young to sit in with him. But that would only be one night and I suppose if you have your own system for 100K you can experience it every night. Now that I think about it, I could be closer to the Dark Side than I originally thought!
If I had a $100K system at home today, I'd spend my time brooding about why I wasn't yet able to afford the $1M Grand Enigma speaker system. I'd be miserable that there was something better out there than what I currently had. I'd be angry at my wife for not letting me spend the money.

Other aspects of the question:

Which are you most likely to spend $100K on first - a car or an audio system?

If the notion of a $100K audio system seems excessive, does having five $20K systems seem more excessive, less excessive or equally excessive? (main room, living room, bedroom, office and vacation home).

If you had $100K you were willing to spend on either an audio system or going to see concerts, what is the likelihood you'd actually have time to go to that many concerts? I don't have the $100K for either and I'm already out of time to go to anywhere near enough concerts to burn up $100K any time soon.

Just wonderin'