Although there are some genuinely good deals to be had on amps here at Audiogon, I think that there are just too many amps selling for more than they are worth on this site. Don't get me wrong- I realize everyone wants to do as well as they can, but some prices are simply too high. Try and understand that just because a manufacturer builds a $10,000.00 pair of mono-blocks with a gazillion watts per channel in pure class A , that doesn't automatically qualify it for classic status(except in their advertising). Perhaps someone can explain to me why we buy cars at nearly $20,000.00 these days and accept with great regularity that they won't be worth half that in five years after purchase, but we can't accept that our gear in most cases is worth less than half 18 months after we purchase it? Folks, this ain't the summer of 99' anymore, and whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not, people are getting their butts kicked in business, on gas prices, taxes, and their IRA's. And in a way, it's good for us. Helps us reprioritize and makes us stop being so wasteful. But in the vast scheme of where consumers will cut back spending, solitary pursuits of entertainment when you've got a wife and kids will almost always be first.(IE. STEREO) Now, give me the manufacturer who understands that, who builds great gear at accessible prices first and then releases cost-no object statement pieces second. And, who then can get their offerings HONESTLY REVIEWED in prominent audiophile magazines, and I'll invest my money and my loyalty into them. I do know of a few companies that are meeting many of those requirements, but they simply are not getting the exposure every fledgling company needs to survive in this business. DEMAND from the publications you subscribe to that they review these very products you discover in your journeys through this hobby. Remember, for us it is a hobby. For those who design, build, ship, and review the gear, IT'S THEIR LIVES!
Now, what cha' gonna do?
Now, what cha' gonna do?