Art Audio Vinyl one vs Sutherland PhD

Looking to upgrade my phono stage. Currently using a Lehman Black cube ( the old model) with a Scout TT and ZYX R100 Yatra Cartridge (a fantastic Cartridge).
I've read good reviews of both the PhD and Vinyl one. I think they are about the same general price point, maybe under $2000 used. Any thoughts?

Showing 2 responses by audiofeil

Your words were "near match" and those were the words I used. I never said "the same". Is that not correct?

In your original post you compared the K&K to the Vinyl Reference. I articulated some of the many differences.

Now based on price you are comparing the K&K to the Vinyl 1.

What precisely is your point?
With all due respect the K&K and Vinyl Reference are 2 different animals and far from a "near match". They share the same physical appearance but the similarities end there.

The Vinyl Reference uses a shunt regulated power supply as opposed to a generic design. The Vinyl Reference uses Caddock top of the line 1% metal film resistors throughout, top of the line Cardas caps, V-Cap teflon caps, and on and on. The K&K uses generic parts. The cost in parts of the power supply, caps, and resistors alone exceeds $1500.

I encourage you to call or email Kevin or Joe Fratus if you have any questions.

Disclaimer: Art Audio retailer