At the end of the day, you can record an album on digital, and play it back on digital (carefully choosing the equipment), and not be able to tell the two apart. That should tell you that vinyl is nothing but a bunch of colorations and distortions that can be replicated in digital.I never contested that digital can sound on par with vinyl and even better in SOME case...Assimilating my posts to those who said otherwise is bad faith...
Your post illustrate your total contempt for anyone who express an other position than your false alternative: analog OR digital...Evil or good... Simplistic indeed...
I am not so simple mind sorry. there is other position illustrated by my explanations in my post : Analog and digital are DIFFERENT way for me to access timbre... I dont know which one, analog or digital, is the better in the absolute because perception of timbre naturalness is an acoustical concrete event implying room acoustic and ears/ brain...I myself vouch for digital by the way and all along my posts ... Then you interpret falsely my arguments distorting them because i refuse your childish fixation of an absolute alternative...I refuse to condemn turntable people accusing them of a collective illusion...It is not so simple....
You said that "vinyl is nothing except a bunch of colorations and distortions that can be replicated in digital" then if you were less preoccupied by your ego you would have understood that these colorations pertain to the OBJECTIVE definition of TIMBRE and to his SUBJECTIVE evaluation by the ears/brain...This is acoustical basic science and my thesis all along against your war against turntables and with your fake alternative pretending to be science....
Digital can mimic analog yes, but it does not means that one is superior to the other, in ALL embeddings room/house, with ANY electronic components... There is too much variable to cut this problem once and for all except like Alexander the Gordian Knot... timbre perception is the crux of the matter and that means EARS differences between people...That means also that some powerful embeddings controls in the 3 audio dimension, mechanical,electrical, and acoustical can decrease or increase for the better or the worst the right perception of timbre....
Reading my posts adequately then you would have understood that the difference between you and me is this fundamental fact of acoustic science: timbre is a phenomena captured and evaluated by the ears only.... the Nyquist theorem is only there to throw off your show of dust to dismiss anything out of the alternative you force people in : Analog OR digital...
Reality is more complex than your simple mind alternative between good and evil.... Sorry...
And by the way constantly menacing to end the conversation because your opponent is an alleged " idiot" is not an argument except if you take it seriously and mute yourself....It is a sure sign of your own insecurities like all people throw menaces in between or in place of arguments...
I am here to discuss with arguments not with a repeated slogan like: colored tone of analog system are a bunch of distortions and vinyl fads are ignorant...Or Nyquist theorem said so....
Timbre perception is more fundamental in acoustic than any theorem of the theory of signals, the reason is simple, it is the basic problem that is linked not only to acoustic in general but through liguistic to the survival and evolution of the human species... The learning process by which we perceive timbre speech make human master of the earth...
When someone knows what is timbre perception in music and acoustic then he knows that only human ears can decide and judge this perception...Modelling the descriptors of timbre perception with their neurological and acoustical correlates dynamics and their working in vector spaces and phase space goes mathematically way beyond your theorem....
Audio is the art to create AND perceive sound, analog AND digital here has their own reasons, their own way, and people with turntables are not all idiots unable to understand your engineering use of Fourier series with Nyquist theorem...
But being myself an "idiot", if you are right, you are not supposed to read my post anymore now, then i will not answer to ghost chanting mantras anymore myself....
Happy new year....