Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

Article: "Spin Me Round: Why Vinyl is Better Than Digital"

I am sharing this for those with an interest. I no longer have vinyl, but I find the issues involved in the debates to be interesting. This piece raises interesting issues and relates them to philosophy, which I know is not everyone's bag. So, you've been warned. I think the philosophical ideas here are pretty well explained -- this is not a journal article. I'm not advocating these ideas, and am not staked in the issues -- so I won't be debating things here. But it's fodder for anyone with an interest, I think. So, discuss away!
Are you aware of any DACs that output "digital". Last time I checked they all outputted analog. They just happen to output analog far better than the vinyl. Funny that huh?
Dont mock him....

You confused the multiple possible and relative choices of a set of recording analog microphones with the real TIMBRE analog event in the live performance...No microphone restitute the original timbre event...This complete event lived before Nyquist theorem can apply to translation technology, from the microphone waveform incomplete translation of the initial event to the digital domain by the engineer inevitable trade-off choices before and during the translation....Simple acoustic science...

All analog events are not equal, the ears is not a microphone.... Is it surprizing?
jollytinker, the math is perfect, it is the implementation that is the problem.
Your M Scaler up sampler especially when used with the Dave comes close to perfect implementation but not quite. Brilliant device. I'm thinking about using one between my computer and my processor. 
This argument is over subjective human evaluation of sound. Whales and bottle nose dolphins are much better at this than we are. It is silly to get emotional about this. Get emotional when your kid falls of the bicycle. 
Trying to shoot the messenger (audio2design) is rather childish. 
Some of us like Vinyl, some of us like Digital, some of us like both. There is no crime here. You like blue and I like green. Are we going to kill each other over this?
The article fails because it is trying to make science out of a subjective opinion and the author has very limited understanding of the problem. 
Some of us like Vinyl, some of us like Digital, some of us like both. There is no crime here.
if there is no crime, why calling turntable ignorant of some theorem and deluded in the first place? That is the "messenger" opinions....

I think that you are are right,nobody can proclaim superiority of a format on another one at this moment because timbre is a human ears evaluation experience not a microphone translated digitally experience first....

«The situation resembles a painter depicting a landscape, who discovers instead the nature of his paints and brushes»-Shai Haran "the real prime" p.3
Thanks Audio2desgin,
we should not call it a mistake, more likely a personal preference :-)
Whatever it is I prefer it. I need it. If you are right, that this is more a sign of inferity, than I should look for a DAC with a "over-saturated vinyl" button. If you are right, that should work for me. If not, maybe there is more. I am not saying there is only I wonder.Vinyl is defenitely far from perfect. Tape is proabably better. I only wish instead of 0 and 1s they would have released a laser which reads all in the analog domain. Unfortanetly Philipps/Sony did win.

Thanks Audio2desgin,just remember there is one of this advocats, a producer of HiRes. A nice gentleman indeed.But he tells a story where a manufacturer of cables visist him and gives a comment to his HiRes demonstartion saying that the highs are to much for his ears. The comment of the HiRes producer is like yours. He says something like that this man is used to euphonic sound and therefore dislikes the more real picture of his HiRes demonstration.Hearing his story I always ask why he did not ask the next question to this cable manufacturer? He should ask him: if you hear this piece of music live would you think that you would hear the same unnautural highs?If he would feel fine hearing it live, but not hearing it on this HiRes demonstration what than has to be concluded?It does not means that HiRes is worse than vinyl, it would only mean HiRes is not in every aspect for every listener superior to vinyl. There could be explanations like:It could simply mean that for some people they prefer less highs listening to reproduced music, be it digital or analog.
It could mean that the highs of the HiRes are indeed unnatural to some, or something is missing, so that the highs standing out. Or Or....I could come up with many more explanations. But again nobody knows.As long we do not understand our hearing I fear there is no chance to settle this argument.There is one fact not to be ignored: besides some people listen to CD and Vinyl, there is a big crowd of audiophiles who prefer always CDs over Vinyl or the other way around. And most of them have stayed with their preference although they have listen in different rooms, with alway changing equipment (we are all Highenders :-)) , with different settings, , with different digital sources (CD, streaminf, 96KHz) or recording. And what those woh prefer one format say is always alike. So why they report this as a constant attitude, although there listening enviroment has changes radical over the years. Why we use almost the same words? My equipemnt is 200% different to other vinyl who likes. Or do our settings all miss something that does flavor Vinyl. Unlikely. Is it stuborn? Or is it because they get used to one format as the HiRes manufacturer believes? Even it is: but I feel more attached to analog and more detachet to digital.
Maybe it will change with upcoming next digital equipment. After 16bit, SACD, HiRes I would be surprised. But I will have an open ear.