Make that 50 please.
I certainly don't begrudge anyone making money, selling their work/art or however you want to put it but... that isn't the same as "selling out." Maybe you need to be part of that generation to understand (yes I said understand) where David Crosby was when he penned "Almost Cut My Hair." Ok so that song is dated and can't help sounding pretentious now but in 1970 it was real. And if Crosby ever sold that song to Great Clips, he is selling out.
If he needs the money, wants the money, needs to be in the spotlight or whatever I don't begrudge him. It's his song but by the standards of that time, he's selling out. So standards and motivations change.
I certainly don't begrudge anyone making money, selling their work/art or however you want to put it but... that isn't the same as "selling out." Maybe you need to be part of that generation to understand (yes I said understand) where David Crosby was when he penned "Almost Cut My Hair." Ok so that song is dated and can't help sounding pretentious now but in 1970 it was real. And if Crosby ever sold that song to Great Clips, he is selling out.
If he needs the money, wants the money, needs to be in the spotlight or whatever I don't begrudge him. It's his song but by the standards of that time, he's selling out. So standards and motivations change.