artists who most deeply touch you

I would love to hear what folks feel are the artists that have affected them the most over the long haul.The ones who resonate spiritually.My top choices are keith jarrett,joni mitchell,and peter gabriel.Who moves you?
Audiogoon, I missed the plural that brucegel mentioned when he said artists. I would have never fogotten such greats as joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Emmy lou Harris, Linda Ronstadt, Ricky Lee Jones, Hendrix, Beatles, Cream. Johnny cash, peter Paul and Mary was what i was raised on. And I should not forget Bobby Darin. This was what i loved most listening to music my parents would play. My Mom is 78 years old. Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, and Johnny Cash was what this wonerful woman introduced me to. This is just a very few. I could go on till i would bore many of you, if I have not already. Classical is the one thing she would push, and push. Hated it then. I think now i can sometimes tolerate it. Thanks Mom, You may be near 80, but you were well ahead of your time.
Consttravler, my son would agree with you. As a toddler he used to hug the speakers when ever I played the Beatles or Beethoven.