As far as home and car audio, what’s best as to tweeter construction??

As far as car audio, you have your choice of: silk or soft dome tweeters (my preference), aluminum tweeters (a bit harsh to me), plastic tweeters (yuck!), and sometimes, beryllium tweeters. Do you have a preference? Do you have a manufacturer preference? I love: Focal car audio speakers, JBL, and a few Alpine speakers for the car.   For home, I love the Bowers and Wilkins Diamond tweeters in there large bookshelf sized speakers. Cannot afford their Diamond tweeter floor standing speakers, wish I could!! As well as their hi-end headphones, and my Gen-2 Bowers and Wilkins Zeppelin iPod system. Sounds SO good! Bypasses the iPod DAC, and uses their own 96 KHz DAC’s. Better than the B and O iPod speaker system. I tried both before buying the B&W Zeppelin. Does anyone but me use iPods anymore? It also streams Bluetooth, but sounds better to me with my 160 gig iPod with lost-less music files playing on it. Just curious. Maybe I should move this to “vintage”, as very few have/own iPods anymore. 😢. IDK. Just wondering what you guys thought. I was also SHOCKED to hear Neil Pert of RUSH had passed away!! Just heard about this this weekend!! Had NO idea!! One of my two top drummers!! Him and BONZO from Led Zeppelin. So sad. Along with Eddie Van Halen passing this year, they will be sorely missed. Damn……
My only hearing problem was listening to ONE employer, run his mouth WAY to much... I did have quit a bit of hearing loss when it came to HIM.. Oh yea I really miss my old employer..

If his mouth were turned into energy, he could out power a brand new Nuclear Power Plant.. God all mighty. That guy was worthless, still is..

One reason amongst all others to outlast HIM.. So I can piss on the grave I paid for... Cuz he never earned a dime the whole time I knew him.. Travelholic, waisted millions. He new flight attendants by name..

He knew towns by the restaurants and where to eat.. He gave directions by, restaurant.. Funniest thing I ever saw..

He traveled more than Congress and the Senate combined.. LOL
I thought he was trying to outspend them too.. % wise he did.

My only concern is there is one empty seat in a penitentiary somewhere he should surely be in. I’d pay for that meal EVERY day, just to watch him choke it down. Enjoy the booger sandwich with a touch of a$$ crack.... LOL


No they are not made anymore..  Less than 9 pairs left.. if that..

I like the RM30s too.. They use ACs

I use them in my builds.. and most of my mods..

I have a rear driver section for the Elixirs and RM40.. You can see it on my page. I've built 5 and started on the 6th pair.. It adds a rear pole to a wonderful speaker. At this time it does require the addition of a 2nd amp and a third if you run the bass section.. I don't.

They are a few of a kind.. Just like me... :-)

Oldhvymec “What does that mean?” Anyways, I LOVE ribbon speakers!!! Just have to mate them with a nice sub. They sound AWESOME! Except for the lack of bass response, those are full-range speakers, I was referring specifically to tweeters. I may be wrong, but I believe the Bowers and Wilkins Diamond tweeters, which I own, and LOVE, go beyond 30KHz. And are nautilus ported as well. I believe the best tweeter made so far, by any company.
     I think  ribbon tweeters are made as well, but cannot think of a speaker manufacturer using them, at the moment. No idea how efficient they might be. But I have listened to full-sized ribbon speakers, and they sounded AWESOME! Just need help in the low frequencies, which is no problem, with a good sub. They sound so warm, and natural. Love them! Should’ve bought them then! But I was 20, something, and didn’t appreciate “sound/music” as I do now! I just turned 53, and went for a hearing test, and they were surprised I could hear to 17 KHz! Men my age usually cannot. The tell was an app my school students were using to text to one another, it is a 15 KHz. ping noise, that adult teachers are not supposed to be able to hear, and I could. Students were surprised when I asked: “What the hell’s that noise??” Then I found out. Never heard of the app before. We teachers learn some strange stuff!!  I doubt I have audiophile “Golden ears” but my hearing is pretty damn good for my age!!😀😀😀
No romance, you are correct! I’d include those crap plastic tweeters as well! Mostly in car audio. I doubt you’d find plastic tweeters in any home audio speaker. 
I’m surprised nobody has responded to what I think is ridiculous! Using speaker cables as FM antennas, and the worst ones, at being FM antennas, are the BEST speaker cables you should buy! Seriously??? It’s this guy that tears apart speakers, and reviews them. This was his “Best speaker wire test”. 
Whatever you do, and it seem like you're on it, is to avoid metal domes in a closed space. They will give you tinnitus.