At what volume do you typically listen?

I have a Mark Levinson 326S preamp which a friend and I call "The Venerable One". I realize that this is subjective, but until I get to 45 out of a total of 80, the speakers really begin to sing. This is just past 12:00 on the dial.

I was curious to know where others listen on the "dial". I haven't checked with my Radio Shack SPL meter, but what is a typical range at which people enjoy listening? THank you.
Ag insider logo xs@2xaaronmadler
My volume dial starts @ 6:00 and I usally go to 9:00. I never go past 12:00 though but if I want more volume I usally navigate the dial between 9:00 - 12:00. The sub woofer really helps in my music reproduction in the bass area since my pre does not have a loudness switch
5-8 out of twenty typically, 13-14 out of twenty preferred if I can get away with it without the wife getting upset.

My smaller 12X12 room where the equipment is was built with insulation in the ceiling and interior walls in addition to normal exterior walls and has a solid wood door (compared to hollow normally) so that I would have a place where I can crank things essentially at leisure without disturbing others in the house, even late at light.

In my big room and in my wife's sunroom in particular, I have to be a bit more "controlled".
75-85db is about right. If really rocking I may hit peaks over 85 but to be honest that is pretty damn loud. For those of you have have an iphone there is a good and cheap SPL meter app you can dowload to give you an idea of your listening levels.