Atma-sphere MP-3 Mk III vs Alnic L-10000 OTL linestage + Allnic phono aotl

Anyone compared or owned,  i am in market for steep upgrade. Allnic is impressive but much $.   Atmasphere is transformer-less too.  much less money.  i have horns and do only vinyl.  most classical and small combo jazz and female vocals.   Would you share your experience in my search?  Many thanks
Ouch. The Allnic 10000 is expensive.. You can load up the MP3 with V-Caps or spring for the 2 box MP1.
I have the Atmasphere mp3 mk3 with all silver vcaps.  I don’t recommend it, phono stage to me is not a user friendly, extremely noisy, to me an overly priced preamp.  I recommend the Allnic, hands down the unit to buy.  
Call Albert Porter and see if he has an Allnic H-7000 for sale. I have one and it's extremely quiet, plenty of gain and built like a tank. LCR unit. All tube, separate power supply.