ATT / ST Optical Cable?????

Does anyone know of any aftermarket ATT ( using ST connector)optical cables designed specifically for audio? I am having a hard time finding one. Everything that I have seen online or on Ebay are ST cables for data transfer used in the computer industry. Currently I am using one of those between my transport and DAC. I haven't noticed anything particularily wrong with the sound when using this hookup, but I believe there must be something better than what I am using. I would think that there would be more audiophile companies making ATT cables, considering what a huge market cables are today.

Showing 1 response by redkiwi

Every ATT cable I tried sounded different. In the end I found I had to buy an audiophile one, maybe terminated better, or perhaps they spent the time finding out what cable sounded better? Don't know, but the Audioquest Optilink Pro sounded fast sweet and very balanced - and murdered any coaxial cable between my Theta Universal and Theta DAC Pre.

I believe I have the Optilink Pro somewhere, but it was the Pro 1, not the better Pro 2, or as good as the Aural Symphonics is reputed to be.