ATT / ST Optical Cable?????

Does anyone know of any aftermarket ATT ( using ST connector)optical cables designed specifically for audio? I am having a hard time finding one. Everything that I have seen online or on Ebay are ST cables for data transfer used in the computer industry. Currently I am using one of those between my transport and DAC. I haven't noticed anything particularily wrong with the sound when using this hookup, but I believe there must be something better than what I am using. I would think that there would be more audiophile companies making ATT cables, considering what a huge market cables are today.

Showing 1 response by tddupuy

Aural symphonics Optimism

If you purchase A.S. Optimism used, it will nullify the warranty. The best pricing I have found is Darrin Oneill @ Audio Limits Optimism v2 has an improved coupling and if you wish to call A.S., they will answer any question you may have 602-550-3401.