Attention Thiel CS3.7 owners

I am searching for the right amp for these speakers and was hoping to hear from as many 3.7 owners as possible regarding what amp you are using, why you like it and which ones you have not liked. Thanks in advance for your help with my quest..

I wonder where all the actual 3.7 owners are? Guess they're happily enjoying their systems. ;-)
Not sure how many owners are really on here. At just shy of $14,000 there are a lot of speakers out there. I demoed them a number of time with a number of amps (Audio Research, Classe, Musical fidelity). They are very nice but I just wanted more bass and could not justify spending the money (my 2.4s are surprisingly good/close).

I had Thiel 2.4, Sophia 3, 802diamonds all in the same room/system for comparison and spent a few days listening at a local dealer.

In the end I liked the Revel Salon 2s the best (different dealer) but never bought them, intended too.... Such is life I guess.

But back to the subject thiels are truth tellers and can get lean in a hurry so amp matching is very important. Make sure know the frontend before you judge thiel good or bad.
...well I have to apologize. I ment to post these comments in the other thread asking about TAD vs Thiel... Sorry.

So to answer your question. I have heard the thiel 3.7 on a few amps.

Mcintosh MC252. Poor bass control and did not inspire me. Maybe a bigger Mac would have worked.

Very pricy Audio Research ($35,000+) dull, I could have fell asleep. It just lacked dynamics. The sound stage was nice and details good but no slam, no life. I felt the same way when it was hooked up to the Sophia 3 and I know it is a common pairing.

Classe, can't remember the model but it was around 400 watts. It had good body and texture. Lacked some of the fine detail of the AR but had more life for my modern/rock music.

I would try to demo Ayre gear or Pass Labs if you have the money.

Thanks for sharing your experience with those models. It's very instructive and tends to support some of my prejudices. I am currently auditioning a number of amps and will post my impressions when I've finished this phase of the quest. In the meantime, keep the stories coming, please!
Thiels are very good speakers, but they can be bright and forward. They are difficult loads for amps. Bryson tends also to be bright and forward. I would look at a used Audio Research, Mac, BAT, the more power the merrier. Whatever you decide on, either pre-hear it all together to see if it is to your liking, or have the option to return it.