Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
AMR DP-777 being fed by a Mac mini on an Atomic Labs Mac Mini Platform. The Mac mini feeds an iFi Gemini cable (this cable beat and displaced my former $3k Locus Design Cynosure USB cable) into a iFi iUSB and then to another Gemini USB cable into an iFi iPurifier and then finally into the DP-777. This is all powered by a PS Audio P300 (soon to be a P10). The Dac is plugged directly into the p300, the Mac/iUSB first go into an isolation transformer and then into the P300. PureMusic is the audio engine.

This sounds like a very high end turn table with good redbook and especially so with hi-res pcm or DSD. It has that continuity and wide open dynamic BW I associate with (superb) analog. I know a number of $30k analog rigs that would get owned and this is not even the SE version (yet :) of the 777 :)
I use a Graham Slee Majestic DAC from a Yamaha transport. This gives a very smooth, analogue like sound but not at all 'rolled off'. It replaced a Chord 64 where treble sounds more brittle by comparison

It is the most realistic CD sound I have heard and because the DAC has coax, optical and USB inputs, I use it with FLAC and MP3 too with the same resulting sound signature

I must admit I am a serious vinyl lover with a large collection dating back to the 70's and several TTs. However I also have thousands of CDs and this DAC is the closest sounding to the analogue sources that I have heard
Lexicon RT-20; using an Equitech 2Q, MIT Z Stabilizers and the best MIT power cords. Can be very nice with well recorded CD's.