Audience Au24 Bi-wire or w/Jumper with N803

Hi Everyone,
Everyone specifically using Au24 bi-wire or with a pair of jumper with N803, your experiences/opinions/recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Other gears: mc352, c2200.
My Au24 is single-wire and my speakers aren't biwire-capable, so I can't answer your question directly. However, if I were in your shoes and already owned the single-wire cabling and speakers in your question, I'd make the exact comparison you propose by doing it with one speaker, using both runs of cable (left and right) to biwire and listen in mono.
Zaikesman, I have not purchase the cables yet, it is a big investment, want to make sure I make the right decision. However; your recommendation is very interesting and will try it if I have the cables.
Hi Cmrkeung - maybe I can help a bit with this. B&W's should be bi-wired to get the best performance n almost all cases. You hit on the one exception that I know of. B&W's will almost always sound best when using AU24 in a single run with jumpers. I have sent both single with jumpers and bi-wire to at leats 10 of my customers and only one or two have preferred the bi-wire to the single w/jumpers. So if the majority is correct - this is what you should go with. Hope this helps - good luck!
Jwpstayman, thank you very much for your comment. The reason I posted this thread is b/c I used to see B&W bi-wired at my local dealers; however, the last few times I visited them, they started to do single with good jumpers. They did not provide specific as to why. I thought it might be a cost/convenient issue. I also spoke to Terry from AU, he also recommended single run w/jumpers.