Audio Aero Prima - not responding

My audio aero prima is not responding to discs
just 4 dashed lines in the display
sounds like maybe the laser gave up the ghost

audio aero doesn't seem to answer emails
is there a reputable US repair shop I can contact

If it ended up costing $800, I'd dump this POS in the river, out of principle...

Actually, I would take it to the local shooting range and put some holes in it and then mail it back to to Audio Aero. $800 for that repair is absurd.
that $800 was a comment from Greg at GLobe without seeing the unit or knowing which model it is
its a MkII serial o4.09 594 so probably made in 04
just looked in the owner's manual Phillips VAM120(also listed in specs as Phillips CDM12)

I bought it in 2006 on audiogon and was fully functioning and sounding great till a month ago when it gave me 4 dashes on loading up a disc

yes, I'm well aware they can be bought for $800-1100 on audiogon

when I turn the unit on now I get six flashing dashes
it won't even open up to inspect (air dust) or load a disc

my analog rig is galibier gavia/zyx universe/triplanar
so I haven't made a larger plunge in the digital end

I have one pm for a guy in texas who may be able to do this much cheaper
is it worth putting another phillips drive in?

dts has 2 dead primas ouch

perhaps it's time for another player
any suggestions for $1000-$1500 cd player
Richard Gray - my local tech said stay away from used a-gon players as most are having first issues with the transports
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TVAD - another poster here graciously mentioned a tech to call who may be more reasonable - haven't been able to make contact with him yet

as I'm mostly vinyl, have a Cal Icon backup to fall back on
I'm weighing my options

shame as it was a great player when working