Audio Cables: All the Same?

My patience has worn thin reading numerous postings by individuals who proclaim that anyone who spends more than, say, $30 on a cable is an “audiophool” and that the manufacturers who sell cables priced above that price are snake oil dealers. These people base their claims on two factors: (1) they can’t hear the difference between a cheap cable and an extremely expensive one; and (2) all cables of any quality whatsoever measure the same when tested.

I believe that these individuals have blinders on. Allow me to set forth a useful analogy – eggs Benedict. The recipe for them is simple: toast an English muffin; sauté a couple of slices of Canadian bacon; poach two eggs; and prepare Hollandaise sauce. After those ingredients are ready, put the Canadian bacon on the English muffin, stack the eggs on the bacon, pour Hollandaise sauce over the eggs (and possibly sprinkle a pinch of hot paprika over the sauce), and serve. Voila! Now, take two preparers – one of whom doesn’t give a damn how his eggs Benedict turns and tastes as long as he gets his $17.50/hour pay; and the other a supremely talented chef renowned for his exquisite preparation of egg dishes. I am willing to venture a guess that one of them will taste terrific, perhaps being the memorable highlight of a marvelous breakfast, and the other will be an awful mess, perhaps a composition of barely toasted and soggy English muffin, Canadian bacon so overcooked that the meat is like shoe leather, poached eggs like hockey pucks, and a severely curdled muck of a sauce poured over everything, followed by far too much paprika. That serving will also be memorable, but for a far different reason.

Now, here comes the chemist to test and measure both versions of eggs Benedict. He confirms that, upon his testing of the two dishes, he is able to state unequivocally that they are identical because both contain exactly the same ingredients and provide the same nutritional value. The fact that one serving is nearly inedible and the other is altogether delicious is irrelevant. After all, there is no science-based test for taste.

I propose the same is true for cables – there is no scientific test for what we hear.
Let me end my soliloquy by relating my recent experience with cables. A couple of months ago, I upgraded my digital system by acquiring a new SACD transport and a new DAC. Both components are widely considered to be extremely high end pieces of equipment (and priced stratospherically, too). At the time I did not replace the cables I had been using previously – an Audioquest Cimarron Ethernet cable between my 24 port network switch and my DAC, and Monster Cable M1000 analog interconnects between my DAC and my preamp. Frankly, I was dismayed by what I heard when I began streaming (Qobuz) music through my new DAC. The magic I had heard at its demonstration at AXPONA 2024 was non-existent. Maybe it was a bit better than my old DAC, but certainly not by much. One of the local audio dealers with whom I shared my disappointment suggested I try a really good Ethernet cable, handing me a Shunyata Sigma V2. This Shunyata cable contains two filters (one for EMI/RFI and one for common-mode interference) as well as several differentiators in how it is constructed. I really despise the expression oft-used by reviewers – “like a veil was lifted” – but that is what happened. The magic had returned. However, now I had another problem. Voices seemed to come only from a singer’s mouth and not also from the chest. With instrumentals, a certain fundamental (bass) element was missing. Overall, it was as if the entire frequency spectrum was tilted – lifting the treble and lowering the bass. I went back to this dealer. He recommended I try a pair of DH Labs Air Matrix Cryo analog interconnects between my DAC and my preamp. All I can say is “Wow!” The frequency spectrum had returned to its proper equilibrium.

I have now been using these new cables for a month. Their impacts are not the result of a placebo effect. Moreover, the last thing in the world I had wanted was to spend a couple of thousand dollars more for cables after I had already spent far more than I had planned on the SACD transport and the DAC. However, they had addressed and solved two very real problems. The Shunyata cable filtered out noise coming from the network switch; the DH Labs cable eliminated a frequency distortion inherent with the Monster Cable cable (which evidently had been masked by the predecessor DAC).

Before this experience, I had never believed that cables could be so important an element of an audio system. I always spent between $100 and $200 on them because, on the one hand I did not want to “chintz” and shortchange myself sonically, but on the other hand I was very skeptical that even spending that amount was fully money-for-incremental-value.

Since then, I tried replacing another Audioquest Cimarron Ethernet cable between my Nucleus+ and my network switch with a $500 Ethernet cable of another well-regarded cable manufacturer. I could not detect a shred of sonic difference between them. Thus, it has become clear to me that every cable implementation is unique; sometimes there is a discernable improvement provided by one over the other, and other times there isn’t.

In summary, having a preconceived notion about the value of cables (or lack thereof) disserves oneself. In some cases, but not all, there is a cable out there that will truly improve the sound of one’s audio system. It may be immeasurable, but it is, nevertheless, very real. 

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Morrow gives a 60 day return. Try some speaker cables and interconnects. Like them or don’t. In my system, the improvement was monumental but who cares about my system? You care about yours. Return them if they don’t work after 30 days and you’re only out the cost of the postage. Or upgrade like I did because they’re fricking amazing with my components.

In audio we have to deal with all the laws of electricity, and impedance can also come into play.  But there are varying degrees of people arguing about cables making a difference.  Usually, it's a comparison of materials.  For instance, individuals claiming their pure silver cables make their system sound "better" than with copper cables.  There is just one problem with this scenario, and it's the commonality that nowhere else in the entire system is this a factor.  All the traces of the printed circuit boards within their equipment are copper traces.  The jacks are usually not silver plated, and are often nickel or gold plated.  After the interconnects, the internals of their speaker cabinets don't tend to have silver wiring nor jacks, and the voice-coils of the speakers are also not silver.  So applying silver interconnects to a system without silver elsewhere might change the sound, and it may even be in a positive way for your hearing, but assuming that it will improve things simply based on material make-up is nonsensical.
Now, we have people applying this to LAN cables, which is much more dependent on impedance.  Audioquest simply uses a silver-plated copper variety of CAT7 Ethernet cable.  But they are terminated with gold-plated nickel conductors.  While silver is considered "faster" than copper, copper is faster than gold because it is more conductive, how do you translate the overall system being faster if the signal was initially sent from a slower conductor, and even ends on a slower conductor?  Does the fact that an interconnect features silver plating make the signal magically transfer faster elsewhere in the system?  Perhaps, only while it's traveling the length of the interconnect?  And would that miniscule difference in time from point A to point B make an audible difference?
This is why it's so important to just do what you want, and don't worry about what others do, and quite frankly, don't think too much on how you can "help" others because there are so many variables that you'll never really be able to explain why or why not in regards to changes, and the likelihood they will hear what you heard is pretty nil.

Did I mention the conductor make-up of all components in your system?  Some tube amplifier guys who prescribe to point-to-point wiring really get into this: are the leads entering and exiting my foil and film capacitors silver plated copper or tinned copper?  What about the resistors?  The RCA jacks?  Holy crap, what about my fuses?  Should I eliminate the fuses in favor of maximum conductivity?  Do I have a copper or aluminum ground rod outside?  Should I saturate the dirt around my ground rod while listening?  (pssst... what are the innards of your tubes made of?)  FFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!!!

People can do what they want with their money, but the ongoing debates over cable topology are absurd. While longer distances do indeed cost more, the reality is that a basic cable build under $100 is typically sufficient for most needs. Unless you're operating something as demanding as a dragline in a mine, there's no need for extravagant spending on cables. The hype surrounding high-priced cables is simply ridiculous. Investing more than necessary in cables is a waste of resources.

@dwcda ​: I’m with you! After decades in this hobby - and wasting money - wire, whether interconnects or speaker wire - has no perceptible affect upon sound quality. A statement that will condemn me to be burnt at the stake by the horde of wire believers!

     Feynman was and will remain, my favorite lecturer (yeah: I'm that old).

     He mentioned often (and: I took to heart) his favorite Rule of Life: "Never stop learning!"

     For all his genius, he never grew overly confident in his beliefs.    The perfect obverse to the Dunning-Kruger sufferer.

     ie:  “I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing.  I think it is much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers that might be wrong.”

     and: “I have approximate answers, and possible beliefs, and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything.”

     Tesla is probably my favorite innovator, who (despite the incessant, projectile vomit, from his day's naysayers), took the World, kicking and screaming, into the 20th century, with his inventions.

                                                  His thoughts: 

     “Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists.”

     “All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combatted, suppressed, only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.”