Audio discounts during Coronavirus

Wondering if there are any great sales going on as a result of the coronavirus. If so can anyone elaborate as to who is offering any discounts? 

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Chinese companies are starting to ship again and there's deals to be had with Topping products.  I've noticed eBay sellers are gouging rather than discounting the good stuff, so it's probably best to stay away until the virus lets up.  My local shop is offering discounts on their used/vintage equipment, with curbside or shipping service available.  Just Audio in Baltimore, MD.

+1 great thought and suggestion.  I did the same thing with my last speaker purchase before covid.  I got such a good deal that I let the seller know he could buy them back if and when he wanted to.  It was a distressed sale.

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I know this is really sad to say, however, just because some people can afford expensive audio gear, it does not mean they are set financially and can weather any storm. Even rich people live 30% above their means. One may see latest model equipment pop up on the used market. You may get a decent price and help somebody out of a rough situation at the same time. One sector that will take a massive hit will be the Automobile industry. There is talk of offering 7-8 year no or low interest loans. I think if we can get people back (or start getting) to work in the next 30 days, the hit may not be so bad. After summer, it will be a crazy second half of year. 

Many people do not see why the President and various leaders say "we are hoping to ramp back up by May, etc". If the President came out and said "well...I'm not certain we would be over this anytime soon let alone this year" many of the people who are lucky enough to have jobs working from home would start getting layoff notices. Markets would tank even quicker and companies, who are trying to hang on just a bit longer, would just go ahead and wipe many employees off the books (already happening anyway). 

Not to rant, I just read some mis informed people on Facebook barking about leaders pushing things too early. No matter what day, time or year things start to ramp up. You will see an uptick in cases. People will point fingers. Its a really tough decision. Too early....people sick....too late...people sick AND more unemployment, financial despair. . You won't see me playing Monday Morning QB on this one.