Socprof; which cable did you end up going with?
Audio Envy SP12 Speaker Cables
I recently got Audio Envy power cords for my components (Marantz Model 30 integrated amp, Marantz SACD 30n, PS Audio Powerplant 3) and found them to be a step up from the Pangea cords I had been using. Now I'm curious about their speaker cables.
Has anyone here tried the SP12s? If you've tried the SP11s, I'm sure the difference is minor, so feel free to chime in. 😀
My current speaker cables are Anticables 2.1 biwired, going into a pair of Quad Z2 bookshelf speakers (with an SVS sub filling in below 50 hz). I'm considering the new Anticables FLEX 4.2s or the Audio Envy SP12s as possible upgrades.
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@socprof I saw an email Paul sent where we showed off the new 4.2 cables and I asked him to make me a pair. He actually had a level 7 rca cable similar to the 5.3 xlr. He’s busy since that isn’t his main business. The 4.2s are extremely clear, more neutral that even the 3.1s, but there’s something to them where I wish he’d use the thin Teflon coating with his copper cables…they’re very flat, so if you liked the 3.1s, they’re similar with more top end detail. Zavfino is really good, but it definitely has a strong sound signature, it gets addictive to listen to, but I would go back and forth on them. 28’ run though, I think the thicker gauge level 4.2 might be the way to go. |
I would be interested in hearing comparisons with the Anticables 4.2. Those just came out, so maybe you got an advance copy. Two things I should have mentioned in the original post: 1. This will be a long run, with 28 feet to the farthest speaker. One of the good things about Anticables is that they can tolerate long runs well due to the minimal dielectric material. 2. If I go with the SP12, I will do a double run in either standard biwire of parallel biwire (jumpers added) configuration.
Perhaps I was wrong and the SP12 is a major step up from the SP11.
+1 @lalitk I’s look for OCC copper cables and Zavfino is it and a great value for the money |
For not whole lot of more money, Zavfino Nova OCC speaker cable is a better buy in terms of performance and build quality. |
I just bought the 12s a month ago. They bested a few other cables I have - Zavfino, Driade Flow 405, Anticables 4.2. Had the 9s a couple years back and those were a bit tipped up, light bass, but the 12s are very even and let more detail come through. I never heard the 11s so not sure how much of a jump this is, but from the 9s I thought it was significant. |