Audio Reasrch REF 5 Vs. Dartzeel NHB 18NS

What say you, which is the better one ? couldn`t find any comparisment of the two. And then, considering the REF5+ARC phono REF2, does this combination change the equation?. Those who heard them, please fill this thread with your thoughts. Thanks
Hi Papaya, some nice pces you are looking at. What is the rest of your system to pair up with these?

I don't believe there will be a "better one" just a different flavour along with presentation. Will depend greatly on the rest of your set-up along with what you are after.
My system - Wilson Maxx 2 and I`m using now the ARC REF 3 as my preamp. But I`m on route of change, trying to put future parts into context. Thanks.
Hi Papaya, what amplification are you using including source and cables.

I like ARC, I have owned allot of their product and enjoyed, their Aniv pre looks interesting and anyone whom I have communicated with who owns the Ref2 phono seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.

The Dart is going to be a different beast and if you have been voicing your set-up currently arround the Ref3 then I would think it would be a safer bet to stick with ARC which ever direction you go but in the end would be best to hear in your own set-up so you can deside for your self.
Hello Dev. I wish I could hear them in my setup but I`m not able to do that since no dealer in my country is holding them on display. The ARC Aniv pre seems to me to high priced and the knowledge that the new crowned king is always around the corner, gives me no incentive to put that kind of investment on it, with out SOTA phono stage inside. I was told that the REF 5 goes 95%+ of the Aniv way, so the ARC Aniv pre is not for me .
Any way, the reviews on the Dartzeel pre seems to prase their transperancy and musicality, on par with the ARC and they are built in a way that allows upgradability plus near SOTA phono stage. Hence my above question.

Dev - Thanks for your comments.
Hi Papaya, you still haven't mentioned what is the smplification, cables and other pces you have currently paired up with your ARC Ref3 and Maxx2's.