Audio Research DSI 200 integrated amp

Can anyone recommend this amp to pair with PSB Synchrony one speakers?
I have not heard it but it is expensive w/just 3 imputs,no headphone or phono stage..$6500
Is it that much better than musical fidelity & Bryston?
Jon2020, just curious - how did you focus on(i.e., quarantine through testing) the amplifier in your system breaking down at a certain volume as opposed to other culprits, such as the speakers or the room itself? What was your control?
Hi Jimmy,
I knew it was the amp because everything else was working well until I changed it. My previous amp was the Krell 300i integrated and I was looking for a warmer sound. In the showroom, I guess the dealer knew how to keep the volume down as indeed, it sounded good then. Back home, things were still good but orchestral crescendoes just melted before my very ears when i crank it up to realistic levels. I changed the Mac to a Levinson and the problem was gone.
That's very interesting, thanks. I wonder if was running out of headroom or something.
Yes. The dynamic headroom was indeed restricted. It was just a poor match for my speakers, MBL 121,which were a bear to drive - low sensitivity at 84 dB with impedance dropping to 2 ohms at times. The Mac power does not double with halving of the impedance.