Audio Research or Conrad Johnson Phono Pre

Hello All,
I have been trying to research Conrad Johnson phono preamps and there is not much information available.
How do they compare with Audio Research, specifically the TEA 1 and an Audio Research Ref 2se? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You

I don't really know but C-Js have their own "house sound" so if you like their sound you would like it, I'm guessing. 
I have a c-j TEA1 series III, and before that I had a TEA2MAX.  Both Audio Research and Conrad Johnson make top level kit and are definitely direct competitors.  Over the years both have improved with every new product produced.  Both sound exceptional.  The newest stuff is absolutely neutral, gone are the days of tubey warm, mushy bass etc.  Frankly the TEA1-III into their GAT2 line stage is the best I have ever heard.    C-J has given me exceptional customer service as well and my local dealer is fantastic.  And that is the reason I have an all c-j system today.  Audio Research makes wonderful stuff too. and if you have a good dealer you can't go wrong with them either. 
"...The newest stuff is absolutely neutral, gone are the days of tubey warm, mushy bass etc..."

It's been a while since I owned any C-J gear. Even back a decade as you moved up the line the gear seemed to get more neutral.   
The build quality of ARC equipment was superior to Conrad Johnson years back. I do not know how they run today. I have an older ARC phono stage and am extremely happy with it, so much so that I have had it for 20 years an am not yet ready to give it up. I did own a Conrad Johnson preamp back in 1979. I modified the heck out of it. It was a lower cost item than any ARC equipment and was built as such. I switched to a Van Alstine unit after a year or so. But, that was when CJ was just starting they have made significant headway since then.