Audio Research Preamps vs. Conrad-Johnson preamps

I would like to hear from people who have been able to compare ARC preamps with conrad-johnson preamps.  I have never been able to do so myself, and while the ARC preamps seem to be quite good, I have heard them only in systems very different from my own.   I wonder about general characteristics such as warmth, detail, soundstage etc.  
Also, I have had a CJ PV12 for years and have liked it, and I have a couple of Bugle Boys in the line stage.  My interest in ARC is piqued by the numerous preamps available lately on AudiogoN, particularly the Reference 5SE.  
Helpful comments would be appreciated.  

Showing 1 response by gdnrbob

I think if you provided information about your current system, it would make it easier to provide recommendations.