The general response on this issue is with regard to the shape and age of the white wipers (something I assume you’ve investigated). If not, there’s been quite a bit already written on this already just a google away.
Another factor to consider is the humidity of your room. A dry room (20-35% hygrometer reading) makes static build up a beast, BUT record drying (literally) a breeze. A dehumidifier can help with this - albeit create other vinyl sensitive issues via static.
I think the surfactant mix comment earlier by @noromance is a good path to follow. Too much or not enough has its own issues. If you read the bottle (the AD fluid) it says the solution is suitable for a 5L mix of distilled water. The machine, however, holds 4.5L. Thus, if you follow the bottle directions, you end up with extra fluid that you can use to top off the machine over time - essential if you have a highly evaporative/dry room like mine. The ratio of solvent to distilled water is different if you just mix the one bottle into 4.5L. In fact, if you never read the bottle instructions, every other piece of literature/review/video always references the machine capacity of 4.5L (not the actual instructions on the bottle label itself).
On another forum, Mike Lavigne (@mikelavigne also a longtime Agon community member) has experimented with different ratios of fluid:water with different results. A part of the solution is a drying agent - as well as anti-static solvent. Thus the proper mix for your machine, weight of vinyl lp (thick to thin), health of the white wipers, humidity of environment, temperature of your room, type of water you are using (Distilled, RO, DI, etc.), mixed with your own personal set of patience expectations = what to do next.
I hope this helps. And yes, for those wondering, I don’t have any drying issues on my year old-ish AD VC Pro. I also follow with a rinse cycle and vacuum dry on my Clearaudio RCM. An additional rinse makes a difference.
As with all things in this hobby: Everything matters. Good luck. Cheers.
Another factor to consider is the humidity of your room. A dry room (20-35% hygrometer reading) makes static build up a beast, BUT record drying (literally) a breeze. A dehumidifier can help with this - albeit create other vinyl sensitive issues via static.
I think the surfactant mix comment earlier by @noromance is a good path to follow. Too much or not enough has its own issues. If you read the bottle (the AD fluid) it says the solution is suitable for a 5L mix of distilled water. The machine, however, holds 4.5L. Thus, if you follow the bottle directions, you end up with extra fluid that you can use to top off the machine over time - essential if you have a highly evaporative/dry room like mine. The ratio of solvent to distilled water is different if you just mix the one bottle into 4.5L. In fact, if you never read the bottle instructions, every other piece of literature/review/video always references the machine capacity of 4.5L (not the actual instructions on the bottle label itself).
On another forum, Mike Lavigne (@mikelavigne also a longtime Agon community member) has experimented with different ratios of fluid:water with different results. A part of the solution is a drying agent - as well as anti-static solvent. Thus the proper mix for your machine, weight of vinyl lp (thick to thin), health of the white wipers, humidity of environment, temperature of your room, type of water you are using (Distilled, RO, DI, etc.), mixed with your own personal set of patience expectations = what to do next.
I hope this helps. And yes, for those wondering, I don’t have any drying issues on my year old-ish AD VC Pro. I also follow with a rinse cycle and vacuum dry on my Clearaudio RCM. An additional rinse makes a difference.
As with all things in this hobby: Everything matters. Good luck. Cheers.