Audiogon Annual Convention

It was refreshing reading albertporter's post re: Cryo'd outlets. It seems to me that this forum has taken a step towards what could be, a very effective group effort. Tok2000 also commented on establishing a "group effort" buyers cooperative. Both excellent ideas.

Let me throw my 2 cents in. Have any of us ever considered an annual Audiogon convention to facilitate an audio "meeting of the minds"? I cannot imagine it being that difficult considering some of the brain power of the individuals that comprise this website. If anything, it could provide us with a resource for group travel pricing models.

If properly executed, we could invite manufacturers representatives, room acoustics engineers and/or whatever other creative means for the advancement of our hobby in one centralized location. Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So, we would have to establish a potential convention location that would be conducive to information in a relaxed, informal setting.

Think of the possibilities. For example, Audiogon/Cancun 2003, Audiogon/NYC 2004, Audiogon/San Diego 2005, Audiogon/Las Vegas 2006, etc.

I'm ready to call my travel agent right now. Is this feasible? Would we finally be able to match the faces behind the computers or would we come off as a bunch of pencil neck geeks? Some of us allocate the funds and the time to attend CES, what would make this so different?

Any additional opinions? Please respond. Thanks.
This sounds like a great idea, but it requires a lot of planning and financing. And in the end, the planner of the event would probably have to charge for it. This would detur people from going considering the expense of travel added to the price tag of the trip. Then there are those of us who work and have limited vacation time...

What I would suggest is something a little less grand in scale. Perhaps metropolitan Audiogon get togethers? Start with announcing a dinner at a place local to you and anyone at Audiogon who wants to attend must RSVP. This could be a very cool idea.

On a national level, getting together at the CES Show is much more viable.

Planning and Financing Tok? Isn't that the ground floor introduction to "high end audio"? I just looked at your 2 channel system. Planning and financing does not seem to have been a concern up until this point! On a more serious note, you're el correcto. If it started to blossom from a regional seed, perhaps in restaurants or catered events, maybe with assistance from Audiogon? (You guys listening?)
Cancun, too aggressive - NYC - too grainy, San Diego, too bloomy - Las Vegas, too dry. Albert's it is!!
A bunch of us had tried to plan a meeting in New Orleans this year and it just never happened, we all have busy lives and do different things. Trying to organize this many complicated systems to blend into one is nearly impossible for a small group to arrange. That was only 20-25 of us and the idea lasted about 1 month before we all got so tired of trying to work around everyone's schedule that we just abandoned the whole plan all together. I do like getting together with local audiophile friends, I have met many of you folks through out the last few years and am hoping to meet many more, but its hard to get from place to place. Also I have found with audiophiles a group of 5+ sort of ruins things, rooms become to crowded, and uncomfortable- no one seems to enjoy things. When I travel I try to get a hold of audiophiles in that area for a few reasons: (i) to meet other audiophiles- after all we aren't that numurous (ii)hear gear I don't have or am not familiar with and to see what others like to listen and how they like to listen and (iii) meet some locals in unfamiliar towns and see what there city/town really has to offer- private tour guides. The differences I have seen are tremendous it is really an enjoyable splash of culture. The idea of getting a large group together I think could be more detrimental then beneficial for the group as a whole. I would suggest members try and get together with other members from your area, you'd be surprised how many are literally in your back yard.