Audiomat Arpege Is it really that good ? Help

I have auditionned an Audiomat Arpege at a friends house recently. He let me have it a week or so afterwards. Let me tell you, I had it up to ''here'' with this whole audiophilia thing, never finding the right amplification.
I tried everything from CARY monoblocks to the Krell 300il, to Sonic Frontiers separates. NOTHING sounded finer than this Arpege. I also tried the ''higher end'' Solfege reference. I keep reading that this is an ''unforgiving'' amp. Well it may be, as it came nowhere near as the Arpege as far as overall musicality. Maybe I could never get into a 6550-based tube sound after all. The Arpège uses EL 34 ( Electroharmonix I think) and I just hear more of everything. I own Sonus Faber Grand Pianos, and my room is not ''ideal'' as it has much hardwood flooring. I would like to know of anyone with experiences on the Arpege. Is it my hearing that has gone bad or is this amp really as good as everyone say it is? One member of the Chicago Audiophile Society told me it was the best integrated they had ever listened to, including the more expensive Audiomats. What gives here? Thanks all...

Showing 1 response by eddaytona

I too own the Audiomat. I think I bought it from someone in the Chicago group.

I am completely pleased with the amp. Just sooo right. I upgraded the input tubes to mullards and they made a huge difference. I loved the amp before and it is many times sweeter with the mullards. While I cannot say that I have a/b'd this amp with other tube gear in my house I can say that you just cannot go wrong with this amp, especially if you want high end sound without shelling out high end bucks.

BTW, there is plenty of power in this amp to get REALLY loud if you like to crank rock n' roll. Classical (especially piano) is just perfect. And jazz is like sitting in a small club breathing cigarette smoke.

Right now I am running an Ah! CD player (with all upgrades and amperex nos tubes)and the Phillips 1000 trough the amp into Reynaud Twin speakers. I just bought a pair of Reynaud Offrende speakers here and they should arrive by the end of the week. Can't wait!

Highly recomended.