Audionote Soro SE, or cheaper single-ended?


I'm looking for a budget single-ended intergrated amp. The Soro, at about $1300 used, is as high as I'd want to go. Should I consider the alternatives, like Radii or Dared, or is Audio Note heads and shoulders above those?

IMHO, sure 90db will make sound with 3.5 Watt but lack of lower frequency response. Even for 93~94 db, 3.5 Watt can't produce the bass right. Lack of punch and dynamic.
If you have an active sub to go with it then it will work fine.
Sorry, Oliver. I had forgotten that you had the SR15's. I don't know how I would, since they've come up in many a discussion. I've had the Wright's mated with a pair of 90dB speakers, and it worked, though not nearly as well as with our 104dB horns.

The comparison I was speaking of involving the Wright's was conducted by 5 or 6 reviewers for audio publications, and it was their consensus that the Wrights sounded the most "right". Personally--and I'm sure that I am forgetting some--I've heard the deHavilland SET's, two or three Audio Note examples, of course the Audion (which we still own), several DIY's, Decware, and several others. As has been mentioned here, his 2A3 SET's don't have a big bass presence. We are using them with a powered sub, so we don't lack for bass. Certainly, they don't do everything, but honesty is their forte.

With your Silverline's, an Audion Sterling MKII would be an outstanding match. It's a one-source, 12W EL34 'integrated' (with volume attenuator) that turns ultralinear at a specific volume. You get outstanding SET midrange, as well as tight, punchy bass. They were $2100 retail, so a used/demo example would likely be right in your price range. The MKII is far better than the standard version, in my opinion.

I hope you are doing well, and enjoy the show you are attending in England.
Thanks very much for the info, Howard! I'll do a lengthy write-up of the show if there's anything I hear that really interests me. This is a bit more mainstream than the stereophile shows usually are. Whole lotta home theater and crappy solid state. But there's also some stuff there that I've always wanted to hear, like Lamm, Wilson Benesch, Harbeth, etc.
I have an Oto SE, and in my opinion it is a pretty warm sounding amp out of the box. Mullard EL84s will sound warmer than the stock tubes, but IMHO there is also a loss of the pleasant clarity and timbre or grain to the music.

I have tried new tubes in almost every position, and the amount of change they bring to the sound varies from a lot (EL84s) to almost none (6922s in the phono stage). I have had good luck with CBS Hytrons and (surprisingly) with Baldwin 6BQ5s; which are still quite a bargain. The latter are hard to find matched, but they are cheap so buy many and match 'em up yourself.