Audiophile demographics?

Why are there a disproportional number of male audiophiles?
Not sure if this is a silly question, but speaking for myself, I have never met a female audiophile.
I am sure they exist, but their scarcity begs the question as to why.
Is it merely that men have more of the "mine is bigger than yours" mentality, do men love gadgets and tools or is it something more sinister?
I always had music in the house growing up, an actually pretty awesome Magnavox cabinet TT and tuner.  My love of music and equipment just kept on growing.  My sister OTOH couldn't care less as an adult.

My daughter grew up with a really good stereo in our house and would make requests from a very early age.  She would actually sit and listen to complete albums at four years old.  Now at 32 yo she still loves music, but it's in the form of "Alexia play Steely Dan Aja". Go Figure. 

My wife loves music as well, but very rarely sits and listens.  Whatever is pouring out of the music room is good for her.  She will not attempt to turn the rig on or change music if it is on.  I've tried, but she has no desire to touch any of the gear.  
Have you seen some of the sound rooms, they scream nerd bachelor. Speakers in the middle of the room. Monoblocks on the floor, cables everywhere.
Think about the speakers. Some are attractive and inconspicuous, many are room dominant with crazy colours ( Kanta!), shapes or bases.
Music is meant to be shared.
Hardly suits a solo listening chair laser located.
Function over form.
Does that partly explain the male dominated audiophile world. Maybe we males get sucked into the chase, aspiring to the next level.
Why are we never content?
Some thoughts.

My system. Can you tell it was designed by a female? LOL
Yeah, kinda. The cabinet is the giveaway. Before the divorce we had one as well. Now everything is what I would call "freeform".
Really liked this thought provoking question and the responses are equally thought provoking. Don't normally chime in but was motivated by this question.

I love music and all genres but I'm not sure I'm a true audiophile though. My wife on the other hand can pick up the most subtle deltas in sound performance. I keep joking with her that she should have been in quality assurance and she has the knack for it.

Agree about the emotional aspect being a difference between the sexes. Men seem more passionate about the sound of the perfect note and women just want to hear and assimilate the perfect note.

Women, in case it's been unnoticed, are physically different, and also have different priorities.

There's no reason why they shouldn't be different or should have the same priorities as men, is there?

These differences seem to be even more exacerbated with computer technology, science fiction and high performance cars.

My 16 year old daughter has very little interest in the current Hollywood zeitgeist of superheroes and science fiction. She and her friends have terms for those that do, and they are not pleasant.