teo_audio wrote,
"Engineers and the vast majority of scientists are almost never (99.95% +) trained in the psychological and physiological aspects of mind, nor are they multi-disciplinarians, for the most part. The engineer is the most behind the eight ball in this scenario at hand. Realization, or discipline of mind - is key, here."
>>>>>Not sure what you’re getting at. First of all, when I went to school engineers were required to take at least one course in psychology. Also, we all know by now there can be some "psychological issues" involved with audio, like expectation bias and placebo effect but these psychological issues can be *controlled* with careful testing so I think their influence might be overblown. But everything is not as it seems in this great hobby. Not by a long shot. Queue scary music.
There is a whole undiscovered universe of what is more properly called "mind-matter interaction" involved in the hobby that was the realm of Peter Belt (RIP) and PWB Electonics for many years, at least 30. Silver Rainbow Foil and the Red X Pen being excellent examples of this category of audiophile product. As well as my Clever Little Clock. There are quite a few of these audiophile products that go BUMP in the night. But iit might be a mistake to say mind-matter interaction is "psychological" as that word is frequently used in the pejorative sense. I’d opine that the fields of human evolution, biology and sensory perception are probably more appropriate to this phenomenon. It is not a trick of the mind, some sort of subliminal marketing ploy or a cheap parlor trick. It’s an automatic involuntary (subconscious) response to external stimuli. We don’t need ALL engineers and scientists to be trained in psychological aspects of audio, we only need one or two. I’m not trying to set the world on fire. I’m just trying to start a flame in a few hearts.