Audioquest AC cables

What do you think of the Mosoon, Blizzard and Blizzard with the Extreme end plugs.
   If you have an AQ dealer near by,see if they can loan you a couple of different cables so you can try them in your room,with your equipment? Also,I’m sure there are online retailers that offer a 30 day trial. 
@todd1010: I don’t tell anyone how to spend their dough! But I will call out what I perceive to be bs products aimed at the gullible and unwary!
Perhaps you should try listening before passing judgement.

And, comparing a Pangea cord to a Home Depot cord would probably result in similar results.
BTW, I bought my Thunder cables from Audioconnection. John Rutan offered to buy back/refund my cables if I didn't think they made difference.
The Thunders reside in my system, to date.
Like you,
I, for one, don't want to buy such an expensive add-on, but when I demoed them at Audioconnection, I became a believer.
The new cables Garth Powell has introduced for AQ are mind blowing.