Audioquest Diamond Sound

I need an old timer (like myself) to tell me how an Audioquest Diamond balanced interconnect sounds, versus an Audioquest Diamond x2, x3. My Stereophiles don't go back far enough.

Is an Audioquest Diamond (not x2, x3) 2 meter balanced a good enough cable to connect a Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 to a pair of Sonic Frontier Power 2 monoblocks? Will the resolution be there? I've inserted a Mark Levinson 36S into the system, which I'm having a hard time blending with the Sonic Frontiers. I've added Harmonic Technolog Pro-Silway II between the Levinson and SF preamp, which seems pretty nice. My speakers are B&W 801 with Nordost SPM cables.
I too tried diamond#2(rca) and didn't like it. I found it to be thin and bright in my system. I went back to Lapis3(silver) and original lapis(copper) combo.Much more natural to my ears. Good Luck!
I tried Diamond X2 and also own Lapis X3. I prefer the Lapis X3 to the Diamond X2. I also own one pair of Diamond X3, and can only tell a very slight difference between it and the Lapis X3. The diamond X3 is just a bit more refined. Due to cable lengths I have not compared Diamond X2 to X3 directly--but hopefull this indirect comparison helps. I agree with the above posts that the Diamond X2 is a bit on the bright side, but as other's have stated it is system dependent. At this level, the cables are very good--and most likely in very high end systems where the details and matching make a big difference.
Amonst impossiblie to reply to your question. Diamonds sound better than the Emeralds or Lapis in my system- You'd have to try them in your system to detemine if you like them. Much too subjective to get a realistic answer without hearing them in your system with yor music. Buy them used and sell them if you find they're not for you.
I pretty much agree with all the posters. I had diamond2x for years. There are much better cables out there/ no matter how one person feels; to each our own,I guess. When the 2x came out (about 8/9 years ago)it was amongst the best. I don't think the competing cables stood still,all that time.