I would take AQ's claim of counterfeit with a gain of salt. I recall NBS tended to claim the cables not coming thru their own channel of resellers are all fake. They did that to me as well, when my system was using all NBS cables (several thousand dollars back in '90s, not a small investment!) I dumped all my NBS cables in protest.
Nevertheless, most counterfeit cables I see are from Asia, usually the premium priced cables. However, I would not be surprised if somebody would counterfeit a $150 cables. Google around and you'd read news on an Asian country making fake bun, fake egg, fake baby formula powder, fake American OTC medication, you name it.
But then again ... in United States ... we have people who claimed themselves expert DIYers, buy bulk cables from Home Depot or Lowes, then re-package them in fancy jackets et al and charge $$$ as giant-killers audio cables. Obviously legal. Doesn't make one feels better, however.
P.S. AQ's way of 'validating' cable is somewhat unusual. If you send the cables to AQ for authentication, and they think it's a fake, they would destroy it and not returning anything to you.