Audioquest question

I currently use Audioquest RCA's for interconnects and I'm considering updating my preamp. Most preamps/integrated have RCA connections in the rear that are vertical and close to each other. The Cary Audio SL-100 has horizontal connections that are several inches apart. The AQ cables are only separated by a couple of inches before it becomes one cable. Can they be separated---what should I do? Get different cables or can these be separated? Thanks guys!
Thanks guys---I figured that would eventually be the solution. I read several threads on here that Cary Audio likes Kimber Kable and they do come in separates. I'll check out the Wireworld Equinox---that's good to know. Sorry if the explanation was confusing---I've never encountered this situation before. 
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@andirocks   Thanks for clarifying.  I didn't realize AQ was doing that at the lower end of their line.  😧
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HI Bluorion - I would stay with Audioquest as they WILL be shielded cables which may be a factory with a Cary pre.  Both Kimber and Wireworld are unshielded cables.