AudioQuest Vodka vs Purist Audio Ethernet Cable

Just curious on everyone’s thoughts on the AudioQuest Vodka vs Purist Audio Ethernet cables ? I would gladly take considerations in the same price range. Thanks everyone. 


I disagree that all Ethernet cables are they same. To me that’s the same as saying all transports sound the same. I use a modest Supra Cat 8 which is indeed an improvement over any computer grade cable I’ve made or purchased at an office supply store you’d use on a PC. Yes all Ethernet cables are pushing those 1’s and 0’s, but it’s the other noises they’re picking up as well. Will admit between speaker, power cords and interconnects that digital cables are in my opinion the least noticeable but the difference is there if one’s system and ears are up to the task you will hear the difference although it might be slight. Not sure I’d drop big money on an Ethernet cable unless everything else in my system was the best I could afford first. I’m very happy with the Supra; I’m sure there is better but I’d rather upgrade my speaker cables first.

@shtr74sims I have the Purist cable and it’s really good. Haven’t tried the AQ Vodka but there’s a lot of positive user feedback.

If buying used careful with AQ as there are lots of fakes floating around the used market. 

AQ Vodka was my choice after going through a variety of ethernet cables, haven't heard the Purist, although I've run a number of Purist cables in system over the years. Sure the Purist is nice, but haven't felt the need to change since AQ Vodka.


What’s the rest of your system?  Until you get into a much higher end systems, a CAT cable should be the last cable to even think about replacing. Yes, I’m sure there is a difference, but even OCD Mikey said the Cat cable made the least difference!

@curiousjim I am finishing up building my system now. The Ethernet is one of the last things to get.