Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK...

So today after waiting for months to try and listen to the Magico A3, I went to Scott Walker audio at Anaheim and listened to the Magico A3, connected to some VAC Tube amp, being fed from a Sony audio streamer, here are my impressions:

- They look fantastic, I wish they made them in silver too, but they are just great in brush black aluminum
- They're quite small and could fit everywhere
- Fit and finish is impecable
- The bass they generated was nothing but amazing for such a small cabinet, you could hear the drums, the down beats and incredible depth of bass at an amazing level
- Imaging was INSANE, you could literally place everyone and everything...
- Sound was VERY VERY DARK!!! This was a bit of a surprise, the top end lacked for my taste to a quite a degree
- I felt like the combo of the Tube amp and Magico lacked resolution, while bass and mid was great, the top end absolutely lacked resolution
- The sound was extremely laid back, again dark
- It does NEED POWER, like he had to crank the volume up, to get good sound out of this, so be aware of that

Overall, I "personally" did NOT like the sound, it lacked details and resolution at the top end, while it was great at the bottom end.  Now, the rep and I think this is mostly due to Tube amp, and connecting it to a solid state amp would bring back resolution, but we simply didn't have time to do that today.  I look forward to listen to these at another time with some decent solid-state amp, but as-is, I was NOT as impressed as I expected and wouldn't have purchased one and I strongly believe Tube and Magico A3 do NOT go well together! 

Anyone else with similar impressions?! Curious to know what others may think, or maybe there was something else in play?

"Magico’s want very high bandwidth, highly resolving, Transparent devices in front of them. They want it clean and linear with some natural warmth or they will pout and stomp their feet and make a scene."
Well that is exactly how I would describe the Supratek preamp.Indeed you can buy Supratek preamps that are utterly neutral  with no obvious tube character at all.They just sound very clear and open.My 300B one does have some tube character but as you say sometimes you need that bit of warmth. That does not mean it is not extremely transparent.

I've owned a pair of A3's since they arrived in Canada in May 2018. I ude them (wit a Rel sub) and a Pass Lbs 30.5 Class A amp. No need for uber-power , believe me.
Use a dcs DeBussy as pre-amp/dac and I m thrilled with the resulting sound.
If you think A3s are too dark, you probably are not as sensitive to high frequencies. They aren’t actually a dark speaker, as you can see from the anechoic ANSI/CEA 2034 measurements of the Magico A3, the listening window includes measurements from 15 and 30 degree of axis, and the treble only slightly decreases.  The sound power is slightly dark with the A3 yes but if you are listening way off axis you probably want a wide dispersion design with a waveguide like the Revel F228BE.

If you find the listening window response too dark then you could probably look at the Paradigm Persona 3F, they are quite the opposite and have a rising treble response and will probably have the highs you are looking for.
Nice, how did you get these measurements?

Both Magico and Ravel measurements are exemplary. The Persona is a trainwreck. I am surprise that Paradigm, which typically produce solid engineered products will build such a turd.