Aurender N100C - alternative apps?

Hi there fellow a-goners!

Bought myself an N100C, and found myself completely at a loss: the only way to control the device -it seems - is its original Conductor app, which exists in its full form ONLY for iPad. I use Android devices, my wife has an iPhone. No iPads.

The Android Conductor Beta is...well, below par, to say the least. It has no artist list, and no Tidal streaming control. Crappy app.

No app for iPhone.

Are there any alternative apps to control the Aurender?

Ideally something like a Sonos control app: beautiful, absolutely brilliant in its simplicity and usefulness.

Thanks for your help. Don’t let me down, please, as I am already prepared to sell the damn thing...
Well it's 2020 and the Conductor app is still bare bones.

Why can't I see all the tags? Why does the connection to Wiki not work more than half the time? Why do I have to look at every album in artist view instead of just the artist (and then a second touch to open the album view for that artist)?

I've only been using it a short while after using JRiver for years. So imagine the added frustration after using that app with a million options.
For anyone following this thread, Aurender recently (not sure how recently) updated it’s app for android and I have to say it’s light-years better than it was before. Still not quite as silky-smooth as via the iPad, but now it seems that almost all functions/features I commonly use are available via the android app and it works well (crashes are much more rare, and usually seems to happen when trying to search for songs/artists typing too quickly). In any case this means that now for 99% of my listening I just use my phone... never thought we’d get to that point but it seems to have finally arrived. :)

Oh, and also for those interested the Aurender now also has the ability to play via Spotify. I haven't been able to get it to properly show up as a device via Spotify-Connect, but from the iPad I can connect from Spotify to the Aurender via blue-tooth (so that still keeps the iPad in the game and is now the "distinguishing feature" causing me to still use the iPad at times over my phone).
Aurender has released Conductor Lite for the iPhone. It seems to work pretty well.