Aurender VS Innuos

Hi All , I am moving from PC Audio to a music server . I have kind of narrowed it down to an Aurender N100H-4TB or a Innuos Zen-MKIII . I really don't have the option to audition these so I will depend on a return policy .
I would rather get it right the first time and skip that trouble . 
I was leaning toward the Innuos but I just read in the new issue of stereophile the complaint about the OS for the Innuos not being very good ( lots of hassles ).
This kind of contradicts all I have read about it and the Aurender . I don't really care so much about the Cd ripper on the Innuos. So, the important thing to me is sound , and then the software issues .
 I know we all have different systems and I am willing to take all with a grain of salt .
The biggest question is---- anyone have or heard both and can you give me an opinion .
They were talking ( Innuos Statement review in Stereophile ) about the new software coming out soon  
Is it out now ?
Thanks so much--Steve
PS-- System
 Copland 305 C--Preamp
Pass XA-25
PS- audio Directstream Jr . Dac
Speakers-- Reference-- 3A- Taksims
Hi Calloway, My friend has a Lumin and it does sound very nice .
Two things though-- one , I don't need a Dac and two , I want on board storage . At least 4 TB .
I hate to muddy things but have a Zenith MKII by Innuos and am very pleased by the sound, and I haven't had any issues with using it. In fact, the one or two questions I have had along the way were answered very promptly by Innuos. To my ears, the Aurender seems to do a great job with the upper half of the register and the Innuos seems to be bottom-up, so maybe that info is of help to you.
I suspect either will be a great choice, but wanted to share my two cents! 
I had the Zenith Mk3 for a couple month, downsized to a Lumin U1 Mini. Don't really hear much difference. The small Lumin is quite a good value.
I had the opportunity to audition an Innous Zenith used as a music server over the network.  This means it just had music files and transmitted the file data to a DLNA player/digital transport DAC.  I found that it colored and smoothed the sound even when used as a music server.  Switching to an Antipodes music server, the sound really improved.  It became more natural sounding and the bass was stronger.

I did see a youtube video doing a review on Innous Zenith.  The reviewer chose Innous as the best digital transport for a DAC.  In comparison with an Auralic G1, he said the Innous was smoother sounding. The Auralic was more dry sounding.  In my point of view, I think the Auralic is more neutral and un-colored.  I think this would be the same for streamer/transports such as Aurender.

A note on the Innous re-clocker.  To me, the reclocker makes things even more smoothed out (colored).  It deviates further from the neutral un-colored sound.  Just my opinion.  I know many love Innous and the Innous reclocker.  Ultimately, I think the Innous is changing the waveforms through DSP.

Thanks for your feedback. The smoothing out (coloration) you are referring to is Innuos attempt to softening the edges often referred to digital glare. It’s a matter of personal preferences, some may find this more to their liking.

I have yet to find a dedicated audio server under $10K that is as musical and neutral sounding as Aurender N10.